Jordan Green

Director, Biomaterials and Drug Delivery Laboratory
Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Ophthalmology, Oncology, Neurosurgery, Materials Science & Engineering, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering

By harnessing the power of cellular engineering and nanobiotechnology, the “Green Group” seeks to better understand and control the therapeutic delivery and presentation of biological agents and drugs to cells. The group examines the chemistry-biology-engineering interface to answer fundamental scientific questions and to create innovative technologies and advanced therapeutics (like biodegradable nanoparticles) that can directly benefit human health.

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Scientists Create Nano-Size Packets of Genetic Code Aimed at Brain Cancer ‘Seed’ Cells

In a “proof of concept” study, scientists at Johns Hopkins Medicine say they have successfully delivered nano-size packets of genetic code called microRNAs to treat human brain tumors implanted in mice. The contents of the super-small containers were designed to target cancer stem cells, a kind of cellular “seed” that produces countless progeny and is a relentless barrier to ridding the brain of malignant cells.
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Warren Grayson

Director, Laboratory for Craniofacial and Orthopedic Tissue Engineering
Professor, Biomedical Engineering

Our research in the Grayson Lab addresses the challenges associated with regenerating large craniofacial and skeletal muscle tissue defects. We employ engineering techniques to regulate cell fate in biomaterial scaffolds and to design bioreactors capable of maintaining cells’ viability and guiding their differentiation in large tissue implants. Our final goal is to create patient-specific grafts with functional biological and mechanical characteristics.

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Each year, birth defects, trauma or surgery leave some 200,000 people in the United States in need of replacement bones in the head or face. Traditionally, the best treatment required surgeons to remove part of a patient’s fibula, cut it into the general shape needed and implant it in the right location. But this procedure not only creates leg trauma but also falls short—because the relatively straight fibula can’t be shaped to fit the subtle curves of the face very well.

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Joshua Doloff

Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering

Our mission is to better understand what happens when therapeutics–whether biologic or synthetic in origin–are introduced into the body. Of key importance is how the host immune system perceives them and how it behaves toward them. We use systems biology and synthetic biology approaches to elucidate these complex tissue dynamics and generate improved therapies.

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Study Points a way to Better Implants

Medical devices implanted in the body for drug delivery, sensing, or tissue regeneration usually come under fire from the host’s immune system. Defense cells work to isolate material they consider foreign to the body, building up a wall of dense scar tissue around the devices, which eventually become unable to perform their functions.

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Jennifer Elisseeff

Professor, Ophthalmology, Biomedical Engineering

Our mission is to help the body repair damaged tissues. During the clinical application of biomaterials designed for various applications, we recognized the importance of immune responses in the wound healing process. This led to the birth of “regenerative immunology.” We now work to characterize the cellular and molecular environments of healing versus non-healing wounds and tumors and to develop biomaterials that promote tissue repair.

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Contact personnel:

Kristina Bostic
[email protected]

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By tapping into the healing power of immune cells, Jennifer Elisseeff is taking the field of regenerative medicine in a whole new direction.

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